The signal power which come into the front of radar receiving route will directly effect the life of the low noise high-frequency amplifier, so adopting which limiter manner is very important for radar to work normally. 进入雷达接收支路前端的功率直接影响到低噪声高频放大器的使用寿命,因此采用什么样的限幅方式对雷达能否正常工作显得十分重要。
The main parameters for the reception path is a very low noise figure ( 2dB typical including the duplexer and the limiter losses), the amplitude/ phase control with a very high accuracy. 接收支路的主要参数是很低的噪声系数(典型值是2dB,包括收发开关和限幅器损耗),以及很高精度的幅相控制。